Program interaction

Continuing with our example program, GraffitiWall, we find an implementation example of how to communicate with a deployed program by looking at the frontend code; specifically, we'll look at the GrafittiWallComponent.tsx file.

Inside this file we initialize a new instance of RPC client, construct, sign and send a few transactions, and then poll the network for the processed transaction results.

After receiving the relayed instructions from the RPC server, the Arch Network validator nodes will execute the program logic within the context of the Arch VM, signing-off on the execution and then pass the results to the leader who will ultimately submit a signed Bitcoin transaction back to the Bitcoin network.

We'll have an updated version of this where we explain line-by-line how things work shortly. For now, familiarize yourself with the data structures.

For example, you'll find the class GraffitiMessage, which will mirror the data structure that we use within our GraffitiWall program.

// templates/demo/app/frontend/src/components/GraffitiWallComponent.tsx
class GraffitiMessage {
    public timestamp: number,
    public name: string,
    public message: string
  ) {}

And here's the data structure found in our src/app/program/src/

#[derive(Debug, Clone, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
pub struct GraffitiMessage {
    pub timestamp: i64,
    pub name: [u8; 16],
    pub message: [u8; 64],

More to come.