Building, deploying and interfacing

Now that all of the dependencies are installed and we have successfully started our development stack, we can finally discuss program development, including compiling, deploying and interacting with it.

The arch-cli comes with a demo dapp called GraffitiWall; each message written to the wall contains a timestamp, name and note.

Find the program's logic within the app/program/src/ file.


In order to compile the program, we'll make use of the cargo-build-sbf a binary, a tool that comes with the Solana-CLI that installs the toolchain needed to produce Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) files which consist of eBPF bytecode.

Access the app/program/src folder:

cd app/program/src

Build the program


You will find the generated shared object file at: ./target/deploy/

If you are experiencing issues with this step, we recommend returning to review the requirements page or hopping in our Discord dev-chat channel for support.


In this step, we will be submitting a transaction to store our program's logic on the Arch Network.

Note: make sure you have arch validator running before deploying the program, if you don't run arch-cli validator start

arch-cli deploy


Welcome to the Arch Network CLI
  → Loading configuration from /Users/jr/Library/Application Support/arch-cli/config.toml
Deploying your Arch Network app...
  ℹ Building program...
  ✓ Program built successfully
  ℹ Program ID: 3688ef8de06d56e32a765243e900875c4fefc6aa9c83dfbc2643f661c5b4982e
  ℹ Failed to load wallet 'devwallet'. Error: JSON-RPC error: RPC error response: RpcError { code: -18, message: "Wallet file verification failed. Failed to load database path '/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/regtest/wallets/devwallet'. Path does not exist.", data: None }
Attempting to resolve the issue...
  ✓ Wallet 'devwallet' created successfully.
  → Generating initial blocks for mining rewards...
  ✓ Initial blocks generated
  ✓ Transaction sent: db69c08c4ff7df6081499d20c7f544f91f167fd184cbf3487f1ced8f1e75c848
  ✓ Transaction confirmed with 1 confirmations
    Creating program account...
    Program account created successfully
    Deploying program transactions...
Starting program deployment
  ℹ ELF file size: 175640 bytes
  → Deploying program with 210 transactions
  Transactions sent successfully                                                                                                                                             ✓ Successfully sent 210 transactions for program deployment
  [00:00:11] [########################################] 210/210 (100%)                                                                                                         Program transactions deployed successfully
    Making program executable...
    Transaction sent: 23de0a1d6fe6ec1f7304488aa223d092bcaa64ea63a23c61b765a248063e6e9c
    Program made executable successfully
  ✓ Program deployed successfully
  ✓ Wallet 'devwallet' unloaded successfully.
Your app has been deployed successfully!
  ℹ Program ID: 3688ef8de06d56e32a765243e900875c4fefc6aa9c83dfbc2643f661c5b4982e

Copy the Program ID from the output as you will need this again later.

The Program ID can be thought of as a uniform resource locator (URL) for your deployed program on the Arch Network.

Create an Account

An account is used to store the state for your dapp.

Obtain the Program ID from the deployment step output and use it within this command.

arch-cli account create --name graffiti --program-id <program-id>

Start the demo application

arch-cli demo start


Welcome to the Arch Network CLI
  → Loading configuration from /Users/jr/Library/Application Support/arch-cli/config.toml
Starting the frontend application...
  → Copying .env.example to .env...
  ✓ .env file created
  → Installing npm packages...
npm warn deprecated noble-secp256k1@1.2.14: Switch to namespaced @noble/secp256k1 for security and feature updates
npm warn deprecated @types/tailwindcss@3.1.0: This is a stub types definition. tailwindcss provides its own type definitions, so you do not need this installed.

added 393 packages, and audited 394 packages in 3s

131 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

2 vulnerabilities (1 moderate, 1 high)

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix

Run `npm audit` for details.
npm notice
npm notice New patch version of npm available! 10.8.2 -> 10.8.3
npm notice Changelog:
npm notice To update run: npm install -g npm@10.8.3
npm notice
  ✓ npm packages installed
  → Building and starting the Vite server...
  ✓ Vite server started
  → Opening application in default browser...
  ✓ Application opened in default browser
Frontend application started successfully!
Press Ctrl+C to stop the server and exit.

If the window doesn't pop up, navigate to: http://localhost:5173 to interface with your deployed program via the web frontend.


Now you're ready to tag the wall!