UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output)

UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs) are fundamental to Bitcoin's transaction model and serve as the foundation for state management in Arch Network. Unlike account-based systems that track balances, UTXOs represent discrete "coins" that must be consumed entirely in transactions.

Core Concepts

What is a UTXO?

  • A UTXO represents an unspent output from a previous transaction
  • Each UTXO is uniquely identified by a transaction ID (txid) and output index (vout)
  • UTXOs are immutable - they can only be created or spent, never modified
  • Once spent, a UTXO cannot be reused (prevents double-spending)

Role in Arch Network

  • UTXOs anchor program state to Bitcoin's security model
  • They provide deterministic state transitions
  • Enable atomic operations across the network
  • Allow for provable ownership and state validation

UTXO Structure

The UtxoMeta struct encapsulates the core UTXO identification data:

use arch_program::utxo::UtxoMeta;
use bitcoin::Txid;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct UtxoMeta {
    pub txid: [u8; 32],  // Bitcoin transaction ID (32 bytes)
    pub vout: u32,       // Output index in the transaction

impl UtxoMeta {
    /// Creates a new UTXO metadata instance
    pub fn new(txid: [u8; 32], vout: u32) -> Self {
        Self { txid, vout }

    /// Deserializes UTXO metadata from a byte slice
    /// Format: [txid(32 bytes)][vout(4 bytes)]
    pub fn from_slice(data: &[u8]) -> Self {
        let mut txid = [0u8; 32];
        let vout = u32::from_le_bytes([
            data[32], data[33], data[34], data[35]
        Self { txid, vout }

UTXO Lifecycle

1. Creation Process

Creating a UTXO with Bitcoin RPC

use bitcoincore_rpc::{Auth, Client as RpcClient, RpcApi};
use bitcoin::{Amount, Address};
use arch_program::pubkey::Pubkey;

// Initialize Bitcoin RPC client
let rpc = RpcClient::new(
    "http://localhost:18443",  // Bitcoin node RPC endpoint
).expect("Failed to create RPC client");

// Generate a new account address
let account_address = Pubkey::new_unique();
let btc_address = Address::from_pubkey(&account_address);

// Create UTXO by sending Bitcoin
// Parameters explained:
// - address: Destination Bitcoin address
// - amount: Amount in satoshis (3000 sats = 0.00003 BTC)
// - comment: Optional transaction comment
// - replaceable: Whether the tx can be replaced (RBF)
let txid = rpc.send_to_address(
    Some("Create Arch UTXO"),  // Comment
    None,                      // Comment_to
    Some(true),               // Replaceable
    None,                     // Fee rate
    None,                     // Fee estimate mode
    None                      // Avoid reuse

// Wait for confirmation (recommended)
rpc.wait_for_confirmation(&txid, 1)?;

Creating an Arch Account with UTXO

use arch_program::{

// Create new program account backed by UTXO
let account_pubkey = Pubkey::new_unique();
let instruction = SystemInstruction::new_create_account_instruction(
    0,  // vout index
    // Additional parameters like:
    // - space: Amount of space to allocate
    // - owner: Program that owns the account

// Build and sign transaction
let transaction = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer(

2. Validation & Usage

Programs must implement proper UTXO validation:

fn validate_utxo(utxo: &UtxoMeta) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
    // 1. Verify UTXO exists on Bitcoin
    let btc_tx = rpc.get_transaction(&utxo.txid)?;
    // 2. Check confirmation count
    if btc_tx.confirmations < MIN_CONFIRMATIONS {
        return Err(ProgramError::InsufficientConfirmations);
    // 3. Verify output index exists
    if utxo.vout as usize >= btc_tx.vout.len() {
        return Err(ProgramError::InvalidVout);
    // 4. Verify UTXO is unspent
    if is_spent(utxo) {
        return Err(ProgramError::UtxoAlreadySpent);

3. State Management

// Example UTXO state tracking
pub struct UtxoState {
    pub meta: UtxoMeta,
    pub status: UtxoStatus,
    pub owner: Pubkey,
    pub created_at: i64,
    pub spent_at: Option<i64>,

pub enum UtxoStatus {
    Pending,    // Waiting for confirmations
    Active,     // Confirmed and spendable
    Spent,      // UTXO has been consumed
    Invalid,    // UTXO was invalidated (e.g., by reorg)

Best Practices

  1. Validation

    • Always verify UTXO existence on Bitcoin
    • Check for sufficient confirmations (recommended: 6+)
    • Validate ownership and spending conditions
    • Handle Bitcoin reorgs that might invalidate UTXOs
  2. State Management

    • Implement robust UTXO tracking
    • Handle edge cases (reorgs, conflicting txs)
    • Consider implementing UTXO caching for performance
    • Maintain accurate UTXO sets for your program
  3. Security

    • Never trust client-provided UTXO data without verification
    • Implement proper access controls
    • Consider timelock constraints for sensitive operations
    • Monitor for suspicious UTXO patterns
  4. Performance

    • Batch UTXO operations when possible
    • Implement efficient UTXO lookup mechanisms
    • Consider UTXO consolidation strategies
    • Cache frequently accessed UTXO data

Error Handling

Common UTXO-related errors to handle:

pub enum UtxoError {
    NotFound,                    // UTXO doesn't exist
    AlreadySpent,               // UTXO was already consumed
    InsufficientConfirmations,  // Not enough confirmations
    InvalidOwner,               // Unauthorized attempt to spend
    Reorged,                    // UTXO invalidated by reorg
    InvalidVout,                // Output index doesn't exist
    SerializationError,         // Data serialization failed